The most exquisite Indian morning dishes are those from Kerala. Kerala breakfast is delectable for everyone thanks to the use of locally sourced products that are shaped into unusual shapes with a dash of Colonial influence. The preparation of these meals is also quick, easy, and healthy. Exquisite food, just like Kerala! Interested in giving some of these breakfast choices a try? Cook up some of these Keralan morning dishes and impress everyone.
Puttu & Kadala
Puttu is one of the world’s best breakfast dishes, and the publication said that eating Puttu makes ordering breakfast a pleasure for the palate. When making puttu, water is gradually added to ground rice until the desired texture is obtained. Then it is molded, cooked, seasoned, and served hot for breakfast between layers of grated coconut. Puttu is often prepared in a two-section metal vessel called a “puttu kutti.” The rice mixture is placed with layers of shredded coconut and steamed in the lower section of the puttu, which is held in the upper section. To allow the steam to go between the portions, perforated covers divide them. The finest place to try puttu, one of Kerala’s must-try delicacies, is at any of the tea shops in the state’s rural villages, where it is served hot with spicily flavorful kadala stew.
Idiyappam is a well-known string hopper dish from south Indian cuisine, particularly in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and some coastal areas of Karnataka. Although it is more often known as Idiyappam, it is also known as noolappam or noolputtu, both of which imply “strings.” Typically, it is offered as the main course for breakfast or dinner.
Idli and dosa
Idli and dosa are thought to be native to Kerala’s neighbor, Tamilnadu, yet they have through time evolved into the state’s most popular breakfast options. Since it contains rice and ground lentils that have spent the entire night fermenting, idli is regarded as the healthiest breakfast. It is produced with the use of specialized steamers. The batter for dosa is the same as that for idli, with the exception that it is spread thinner on the dosa pan and is roasted with a few drops of ghee and oil. The customary Kerala sambar and coconut chutney are served with both the dosa and the idli.
Dosa is a type of fermented crepe or pancake that is native to and common food in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh. It is also well-liked in Sri Lanka. It is gluten-free and high in protein because rice and lentils are its main components. The most well-known dosa varieties include Mysore Masala Dosa, Paper Dosa, and Masala Dosa.
The crisp, lacy appam served with a stew of meat and vegetables is one of Kerala’s most well-known dishes that you must taste. A fermented flatbread consisting of rice and coconut, appam is most typically consumed with breakfast or dinner. Idiyappam, Palappam, Velayappam, Kallappam, Vatayappam, and other foods are commonly referred to as “appam,” but the majority of Keralites connect with this dish because “kall” (Malayalam) refers to toddy, which is used for fermentation. Although it tastes different, kallappam is made in a mold called an apa chatty and resembles a pancake. The appachatti, or circular container, in which appams or kallappams are distributed and cooked, is where they get their rounded shape. In Kerala, a batter made from rice, yeast, salt, and a little sugar is used to make appams, which are then eaten with hot curries or stew. It is typically eaten in south-central Kerala with egg roast, vegetable stew, or kadala (brown pulses) curry.
The tapioca tuber, also known as kappa, is just as crucial to Keralan cuisine as puttu and appam. Similar to the meals mentioned above, boiling kappa and meen curry (fish curry) is served both for breakfast and dinner and are available everywhere, from tea shops to upscale dining establishments.
The porotta, the most well-liked flatbread in Kerala, is frequently offered for lunch and dinner. However, you are extremely likely to encounter this delightful dish served for breakfast accompanied with an egg roast or curry in the districts of Kannur, Calicut, and Malappuram. Porotta and beef go hand in hand as a dish on tea stalls as well as in major restaurants, similar to how “puttu and kadala curry” slides off the tongue effortlessly for a Keralite.
Another Keralan breakfast classic is pazhamkanji. Rice is soaked in water, placed in an earthen clay pot, and let to ferment for an entire night to make pazhamkanji. It is typically consumed with a sour side dish like mango pickles or another dish. Pazhamkanji provides numerous health advantages due to its unusual vitamin content, which includes vitamins B6 and B12.
This dish is a specialty of Kerala’s Malabar area in the North and is a staple of the state’s renowned Moplah cuisine. This non-vegetarian dish, which is a thin, circular pancake made from rice flour, is typically eaten with curries, particularly those made with chicken and mutton. Like appam, it can be eaten any time of the day and complements a hot or flavorful curry.
Upma is a simple breakfast dish made with semolina and veggies that is similar to a porridge. Both sticky and dry versions, which are favored by various audiences, can be produced depending on how much water is used during preparation.
In South India, upma is another common breakfast item. It appears to be semi-dry, thick porridge. Rice or semolina flour is the major component of upma. Mustard seeds, minced onions, cumin, salt, and curry leaves are some of the other key components. Depending on the preferences of each person, upma may also include cashew nuts, peanuts, and some veggies.
Kerala, God’s own country, is home to the healthful and delectable traditional morning food or sweet snack known as vattayappam. It is an essential component of Kerala Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter.
As per your order and availability for breakfast, we make special orders of Kerala’s unique spicy and seafood delicacies for you.