Everyone knows that the best kind of meal is one that is prepared at home. It’s a basic fact that something prepared from scratch at home tastes far superior to something purchased ready-made at the supermarket.

Anyone who has been away from home for a long period of time would tell you the same thing: home-cooked meals are the finest. The home cook food app helps to deliver the food to your doorstep.

It’s a common storey among those who left home for better opportunities in other nations or for professional duties that took them away from their familiar surroundings. Even the fragrance of home-cooked food brings tears to the eyes of many overseas workers who have left their home nations to work abroad. Homemade food delivered is a true blessing for them.

We’ve compiled a list of reasons why home-cooked cuisine is always better, as well as ways to get your fill of Indian flavours when living or working abroad:

Home-cooked food is pleasant to eat

When you smell a familiar perfume in the air or taste that particular spice in your curry, it gives you a sense of security, especially if these are foods that your mother or grandmother prepared for you when you were a youngster. Cooked-from-scratch meals will always be a source of comfort. Have you ever felt so horrible about your job that all you want to eat is a grilled tuna sandwich made by your mother? Have you ever had a fever and only needed your mother’s chicken soup as a treatment? Comforting, satiating, and, yes, soothing, home-cooked cuisine!

Home-cooked meals are cost-effective

Instead of booking a table for six at a restaurant and paying hundreds of dollars for a three-course meal, prepare a delicious home-cooked supper in the comfort of your own home. You can plan your menu ahead of time in order to select the most cost-effective and fresh ingredients for your dishes. Some days, as soon as you finish preparing breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, it’s time to start lunch, and by the time you’ve completed that, it’s time to start supper, and you’re thinking, ‘There has to be a menu we can order from,'” says the author.

Home-cooked meals inspire creativity

The kitchen is the most imaginative room in the house. Why? Because you can throw anything in your fridge together, mix it up, or combine it, and before you know it, you’ve created a dish that hasn’t been given a name. In the kitchen, you experiment with boiling, blanching, baking, chopping, cutting, slicing, peeling… and you learn how different flavours complement each other and how to combine flavours to make the tastiest dish you’ve ever made.

Cooking food together at home strengthens familial connections

Cooking at home can be a low-cost activity that brings the entire family together. Gather the family members for a potluck on leisurely weekends. Agree to cook one meal each and then share your speciality dishes by lunch or dinner, whichever works best for you. You’ll almost certainly wind up trading recipes or learning about baking soda’s power. When family members work together just for the purpose of eating, a special bond is developed. “When it comes to putting together recipes, the kitchen becomes a chemistry lab encompassing air, fire, water, and the earth. This is what gives folks their worth and lifts their spirits.

Home-cooked food unites us to our origins

Anyone who has lived alone (or been gone from their childhood homes) will always try to duplicate their mother’s coveted dish. This “return” to your roots through food is an example of how the home foodie app binds us to our roots.

Home-cooked food meet the dietary requirement

If you have unique dietary needs, such as an allergy, intolerance to something like gluten, or a condition like diabetes, eating out or buying professionally prepared food can be quite difficult. The same is true if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet for moral or health reasons.

You know exactly what goes into the recipe when you make dishes from home.

Home-cooked food is a healthier diet

You can plan your meals to ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet. Healthy meals can be increased, while unhealthy elements can be reduced or eliminated entirely. Many professionally prepared foods are high in fat, sugar, and salt, as well as other undesirable additions. When you cook at home, you have complete control over the ingredients in your meals.

Home-cooked food maintains the quality of food

You have total control over what goes into your meals when you cook them yourself. Consuming pre-prepared foods or takeaway food typically means consuming lower-quality ingredients that were utilised only for the manufacturer’s or provider’s cost or convenience.

Making your own meals also allows you to avoid the myriad additives and preservatives that may be found in modern cuisine, allowing you to consume highly nutritious meals instead.

Home-cooked provide Fresh Ingredient

Products that have been commercially manufactured are frequently transported and stored. They contain preservatives and other chemicals to delay the rate of quality and taste degradation. Food is frequently delivered ready-to-eat to fast-food restaurants, which is then heated on location. Making your own meals from scratch allows you to cook using fresh ingredients, making your food both tastier and healthier.

Home-cooked food controls the quantity

You have total control over what goes into your meals when you cook them yourself. Consuming pre-prepared foods or takeaway food typically means consuming lower-quality ingredients that were utilised only for the manufacturer’s or provider’s cost or convenience.

Making your own meals also allows you to avoid the myriad additives and preservatives that may be found in modern cuisine, allowing you to consume highly nutritious meals instead.


Food unites people, and cooking at home is a wonderful way to bring your family together around the table. Even cranky teenagers and picky eaters like a home-cooked meal. And just because you live alone doesn’t mean you have to prepare or dine by yourself. Sharing meals with others is a fantastic way to meet new people and increase your social circle. Receiving positive feedback on a meal you’ve made for someone might increase your self-esteem and aid in maintaining your health.

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