Excellent Opportunity For Passionate Home Chefs
Are You Highly Active In Cooking Groups?
Do You Have A Good Network Of Cooking Lovers Home Chefs?
Do You Want To Work With Us Jointly To Impact Society’s Employment And Health Problems?
Do You Want To Earn More Than INR 25,000/Month- From Home?

Benefits We Offer
- Work on your schedule and flexibility.
- Earn commission from each order (By other chefs) in your network
- Fixed monthly income of more than IN 25,000/month*
- Mentor and guide other chefs
- Play a role in creating substantial employment opportunities in the society

You Should Have
- Excellent experience in cooking and foods
- Ability to communicate in your local language with basic English and Hindi
- Network of home chefs with a passion for cooking
- Basic knowledge of the Internet and Mobile apps
- Willingness to work without monetary rewards at an early stage
Expected Contribution
Established And Develop A Local Home Chef Network
Training To Home Chefs
Onboarding Support To New Chefs
Group Activities And Events
Online/Offline Workshops
Quality And Random Hygiene Checks
Working With The Internal Chef Support Team

Commitment Required At Launch Stage (April – December 2022)
- Be a part of the core team
- Developing local home chefs’ networks and onboarding them
- Working with the support team
- Help reach the monthly target goal of onboarding chef’s

Rewards For Your Efforts During The Launch Stage
- Be a part of the core team
- Showcase your profile on the FND website and social media
- 0% Commission for all of your orders
- Free packaging material for your orders

Rewards At Growth Stage – ( January 2023 Onwards)
- All benefits of above mentioned in the launch stage
- Fixed monthly cash rewards, which will be decided based on milestones
- Earnings based on reaching target goals
Let Us Work Together For A Noble Cause To Generate Massive Enterprenual Opportunities And Health Awareness In Society.
We assume we will have an average monthly 1500 orders from your area, and we will pay you approximately 2% commission on order. It is projected values and subject to change and taxation
Join As Chef Captain
Please provide your details below to join our core team as a Chef Captain.